Information Architecture
We deliver you the most relevant and organised information structure for easy understanding and meaningful convey of information, the way you intend.
Role of Information Architecture
Information architecture is a specialized skill set that involves interpretation and categorization of information into a coherent structure, preferably one that the intended audience can understand quickly, and then easily retrieve the information for which they are searching.
Moov Technology Solutions information architects can assist in creating a framework on how to organise your web presence making your organisation an online industry leader.
The purpose of information architecture, or IA, is to effectively connect content, context, and the end user. In doing so we will implement in your organisation our iterative website planning method that becomes a quality assured approach to manage your companies web real estate, while assuring visitors enjoy an optimal user experience.

Benefits of good Information Architecture
- Designing for way finding
- Clear content strategy
- Defined communication goals
- Richer communication with your users
- Right video, audio text and image mix
- Contextual help and documentation
- Building site(s) around target user(s)
- Familiar organisation systems
- Navigation that looks like navigation
- Introduce Consistence Standards
- Structured platform for development of a website
- Good style guide integration with the graphic designer
Information Architecture Artifacts & Tools
Moov Technology Solutions utilises several key tools in communicating architectures, some of which include:
Site Maps & Page Trees
Site maps and page trees are the foundation of a good site structure helping team members to consider a top level view of the front end components of a site.

Wireframes are line diagrams illustrating page level usability and experience information. They provide a blueprint of page layouts.

Functional Specifications
Functional specification is the core documentation outlining the requirements of any system. Aiding developers requirements management.

Developing you an Information Architecture Plan
Most companies benefit from hiring an information architect, especially companies maintaining medium to large enterprise websites or Content Management Systems (CMS). Every website we develop undergoes some level of IA structuring to help client, web designers and developers to agree on how the site will function through its various stages of development. It’s important to also note that our architecture plans are multi platform and web browser compliant, compromising; smartphone, website and tablet requirements.